What is the fastest animal in the world?
Hint: It's not the Cheetah.
Written by Warren Prasek
Published 2 years ago, updated 2 years ago
OK so technically this isn't a Frequently Asked Question, in fact it's an Extremely Infrequently Asked Question, but anyway according to Wikipedia...
The peregrine falcon is the fastest creature on earth with a diving speed of 242 mph.
However perhaps a better way to draw comparisons between different classes of animals is body length per second. Using this metric, the fastest organism on earth is the Southern Californian mite (Paratarsotomus macropalpis) at 322 body lengths per second. Whaaaaaat???
The equivalent speed for a human, running as fast as this mite, would be 1,300 mph. Usain Bolt, eat your heart out.
The previous record holder, the Australian tiger beetle (Cicindela eburneola) has a recorded speed of 4.2 mph, or 171 body lengths per second. Strewth!
And in case you were wondering...